Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Happy Birthday, Denver!

Sparky: (whispers) Shhhh, everyone hide! Denver's coming!

::lights turn off, everyone takes a hiding place::

::Denver trots along to the play yard thinking today is just a day like any other, stopping to sniff out the cats on her way in::

Sparky: (whispers) Okay, she's almost here!

::Denver walks into the play yard wondering where everyone is::

Sparky & Friends: (yelling) SURPRISE!!!!!

::Denver's mouth drops in shock as she sees all of her furry friends (and furless) remembered her Birthday::

Sparky & Friends: (singing) Happy Birthday to youuuuu! Happy Birthday to youuuu! Happy Birthday Dear Denverrrrrrrrrrrr, Happy Birthday to YouUUuUU!

Denver: (over joyed) You guys! This is great. Thank you all so much. You even saved the sand box for me!

S: Anything for you, Sis. Oh, and we had a cake for you...but I kinda ate it.

D: Why am I not surprised about that?

S: It was Carob! C'mon. Anyways, we do have one more surprise for you though.

D: Oh boy, what could it be?

S: Check out these cute videos from your puppyhood, Denver.

D: Okay, me playing with my toy snake? Totally cute. But did you HAVE to show everyone my embarrassing snot video? It's not what you guys think! I had a cold, okay?

S: It's okay, Sis. We love you!

1 comment:

M Bumgarner said...

Happy Birthday Denver!
If my brother would let me visit your yard, I would give you a big sloppy kiss! Jake

No you wouldn't...you'd probably wet yourself around all those big dogs...Ed

I would not. Maybe hide under the porch? Jake