Friday, April 1, 2011

April Playmate of the Month

Scully Ikelheimer is Playmate of the Month for April. And I'm not foolin'!

She'd just like to know why it took us so long to realize how cool she is.

Well Scully, the truth is we've known for a while now. After all, you are queen of the yard.

Here she is surveying her territory... Or maybe just looking for another friend to chase.

Scully is a 2 1/2 year old wolfhound mix. She's scruffy, tall, and always up for fun. At home, she plays with her (human) kids, but at Sparky's she lets loose and it's all about the dogs. Her hobbies include barreling down the ramp at full speed, leaping over other dogs in a single bound, and storing extra water in her beard (yes, she is the bearded lady) to share with the next person she decides to kiss.

All of us here at Sparky's appreciate Scully's boundless energy and easy-going disposition. She's the perfect candidate for our highest honor: Playmate of the Month. Congrats Scully!

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