Tuesday, January 18, 2011

January Playmate

        We thought we would start this year off with a classic: Ginger has been a fixture at Sparky's since puppy-hood.  While she has owned the title Playmate of our Hearts the entire time, it's about time that we make it official!  In fact, we were so sure that Ginger had already been recognized as Playmate of the Month, we passed her over all the months before now.  Let's be clear that this is our mistake, and not Ginger's.
       Ginger is consistently having the best day of her life, and is not afraid to express her joie de vivre.  She is non-discriminate and will play with people and other dogs equally.  She greets all our yard staff by putting her mouth on whatever she can reach. 
        She enjoys having her picture taken and loves barking at pedestrians.

Ginger, we salute you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love me some Ginger! She was a very good hostess to Parker the other night, sharing all of her toys and bones! Great dog, great family!

Jen Worthen