Friday, April 9, 2010

New Blog Digs

What do you think? We've been working on going more in-depth technologically speaking. Check out our Facebook Fan Page Badge in our sidebar! Go ahead, become a fan! We've got tons of fun photo galleries up and ready for your viewing pleasure. Now that the weather is warming up, the hi jinx will surely commence. Something about warm Spring and Summer weather really gets these pooches in the mood to play! Maybe it's the kiddie pools with fresh cool water, maybe it's the bees buzzing around for the hobby bee chasers, or maybe it's the lush green foliage that surrounds the yards for those dogs with "green paws." Whatever it is, we're not complaining :) Now, let us know what you think of our new blog design! The first 3 commenter's will receive one free day of daycare, so what are you waiting for? Speak! (The dogs told me to say that!)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi! Mush and Finn think the new design is great! I love that you're embracing social media - there's lots of great (free) promoting you can do! You guys are the best and we are eternally thankful for all that you have done for Mushy and now Finn as well. Many thanks!