Friday, February 5, 2010

February Playmate and Snow Days

Sparky: Are you guys ready to hear about our February Playmate of the Month?

Denver: We'd like to congratulate Sophie Arnold, an almost 4 year old Springer Spaniel who wags her little stub like it's nobody's business when she's excited.

S: And when she comes to Sparky's, it's safe to say she's excited.

D: I don't think her butt stays still the entire time she's here!

S: Whether it's fetching tennis balls, chasing her friends in the yard, or taking a dip in the pool, Sophie truly knows how to have a good time!

D: Thanks for all the fun you bring to Sparky's, Sophie!

D: In other news, we'd thought we'd share our shoebox of photos. The photos of our snow days of course!

S: Check out what we do when the weather gets frosty!

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