Denver: And we'd also like to thank all of you for your continued support.
S: It certainly has been one heck of a year. Let's recap on some things that have happened!
D: Remember in January when our pad froze over and we all thought it was so hilarious to run and slide around on it?

S: And February brought Charlie, an employee adoption, to us!

D: Then came March, when Hickory was a stray who found her way to Sparky's, and we found her a home.*

S: In April, co-owner Russ was doing a lot of upgrades for us! Here's a funny shot of the lengths he went to do it.

D: Besides the fun of two employee birthdays in May, this was also the month that co-owner Russ's bird, Kinky climbed to the top of some tall foliage and it was a hilarious time trying to get him down. Thankfully, Russ is pretty good at climbing trees!

S: In June we did a lot of "water sports". Tee hee.

D: July brought great usage of the playground equipment.
S: We were still doing "water sports" *ah hem* in August...

D: The gang was feeling a bit more academic in September, and decided to take some time out from playing, to read a loud to one another for a bit. Although, there did seem to be some confusion about who was supposed to be doing the reading.

S: October is really nice because...hey,'d that great picture of me get in there? *looks around suspiciously*

D: Ha-ha. That was smooth, Sparks. November looks like fun times were had in the play equipment, too.

S: And wrapping up last year with December, was of course, THE SNOWPOCALYPSE!

S & D: Here's to a new and exciting 2010!
S: Also, don't forget to check out our rate changes! Small, but important!
*Disclaimer: Sparky's is not a shelter. We do not have the ability or space to house stray or unwanted animals.
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