Friday, June 26, 2009

Dog Tired

Sparky: Whew!

Denver:I hear ya, Sparks. As soon as summer hits, it's hard to keep up with this blog.

S: No kidding. It's been a animal house here at At Play With Sparky. New dogs are gracing the yards left and right and we couldn't be happier!

D: Exactly, the more the merrier!

S: So I've noticed a lot of people talking about how nice it is that their dog is so tired when they come home from a day of play care.

D: Oh yes, that seems to be the case for everyone. If you're wondering why your dog is so sleepy when you pick them up, I think we may have an answer for you.

S: Here's a video clip of our Puppy friend, Diesel, having a splashing good time in the pool.

Diesel from At Play With Sparky on Vimeo.

D: What a great video! Here he is with his sweet little puppy dog eyes.

S: And here's our friend, Riley with a shocked look on his face that EVERY dog in the world doesn't come to Sparky's! (Because he totally thinks they should!)

D: And Charlie, our big lovable goofy guy, chasing the water from the hose.

S: He's not the only one chasing the hose water though! It seems to be common around these parts. Check out Tela really going for it!

D: As you can clearly see, Sparky's is the place to be! A FUN time is what your dog will always find if they come to play.

S: So that is why your dog snoozes when they get home.

D: Come on down and play today!

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