Monday, May 18, 2009

The Animal Rescue Site

Denver: You know how I like to surf the net, Sparks?

Sparky: Sure do. Did you find something interesting?

D: I most certainly did. It's called the Animal Rescue Site.

S: Okay, what's the story behind it?

D: Well, it's a proud partner of I've made a little power point presentation for you today.

S: Wow, what a great cause, Sis!

D: Yes it really is. Here is a linked banner to take you to the site.

The Animal Rescue Site

S: There's so much cool stuff on that site.

D: I know, that's what I thought too. They also have tabs at the top of the page, where you can help the fight against world hunger; help find a cure for breast cancer; help people in need get free health care for their children; give away free books; and help protect endangered habitats like the rainforest. It's an amazing site.

S: Great find, Sis. Thanks for sharing!

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